Set up right...

21st July 2022: Updated Sections

  • Added Safe Haven (placeholder for now)

  • Made better map image for Steppes

  • Elaborated a bit more on Steppes and Erlenberg

12th December 2022: Updated Sections

  • Elaborated on Province, Siegfried Line, and Sand River

  • Added actual tips for Widepark

  • Added description/image for Safe Haven

  • Added new Outpost map

  • Removed Minsk (it is no longer in the game)

I've been asked repeatedly about where to go on each map. On this page, you can find a big ol' list of all the maps in the game and where I go on them. They may not be the most perfect spots, but they work for me most of the time so I keep using them. Scroll further down, and keep the following universally applicable map advice in mind:

When you play the leFH, you'll figure out quickly that running away and relocating isn't gonna be your style. It's not mobile enough to go anywhere quick. What you have to do instead is plan ahead and always keep an eye on the minimap. If an enemy tank went unspotted for 20 seconds or more where he could get past your team, you'd be naive to think you're not in danger. When the flank is starting to struggle, you already need to start preparing for it to fall and the enemies to spill through.

There is a difference between a slow arty sitting still and a fast arty sitting still. With a slow arty like the leFH, you can't react to the flow of the battle in real-time. You have to build experience to be able to plan ahead. A leFH reloads and aims too fast to waste time with moving between your shots. Unless you're being actively countered and the enemy arty is getting too close to guessing your position, do not dance. If you only realize an enemy is coming to kill you when you spot him, you weren't paying attention. It's too late to do anything about it at that point.

When you know that running only leads to the enemies catching up to you and shooting you in the back before you can even turn back around, you also know that the spot where you initially set up at the beginning of the match needs to fulfill certain criteria. This is the map knowledge you'll need to become intimately familiar with:

  • Your setup spot needs to offer the most possible area of unobstructed lines of fire.

  • It also needs to offer cover and retreat opportunities that you can reach and make use of. For that, they need to be nearby enough to reach them within a few seconds. Some bushes can help with minor threats, but hard/terrain cover is something you can exploit in ways that are unique to SPGs with a steep firing arc.

  • There needs to be a way out, and as few as possible ways in. Ideally, always have something solid in at least two directions of you (even if it's just the map border). Remember: Hiding or running gets you killed. Setting up an ambush and receiving the enemies with your gun facing their way means you'll be able to make them regret the lengths they had to go to for making sure you're dead.

  • Related to the previous point, your position needs to allow you to spot actively and passively. Don't set up somewhere where you'll only end up spotting an approaching enemy when he's already knocking on your rear. Set up somewhere that won't let enemies sneak up on you easily even if you're not expecting them. Look into techniques related to spotting and avoiding being spotted. You may not be able to just quickly retreat to the nearest soft/hard cover, but if you play it smart and get a good feeling for your camo and view range, you can do it at a pace that the leFH allows.

  • These setup spots don't need to allow you to shoot across the entire map. If you can't reach the far side or the corners, don't worry about it yet. Only start advancing once you can be sure that the battle has progressed to a point where your team has secured your destination. Retreat at any sign of that area no longer being secure, if it's not crucial that you stay.

Summer Maps


Position yourself to shoot down the middle in the early game. The corners also can work for you later on if your team has secured them and the enemies are coming from the other side.


Stand below the bridge on the East side. That way you can't be countered as easily and the pillars give you something to retreat behind if enemies approach.


Expect to be countered on South spawn.

Empire's Border

South spawn is tricky. The spot on the right gives you a better angle but poor range coverage, the spot on the left the opposite.


On Ensk you die. That's just how it is.

Fisherman's Bay

On North spawn, going further to the East may be worth checking out.



It sucks because it's huge. The spot marked with the question mark may be worth checking out. When on South spawn, try to run over as many buildings as you can on the way.


Block that map. Trust me. Just do it.


If you're brave and don't care about hitting the West side, you can go to the bottom right corner on South spawn. As soon as you feel safe (about mid-match), move more towards the middle to increase your range and decrease shell travel time.


You CAN go to a spot where you can aim down the middle path in the beginning, to catch some early damage. There's some cover. Most of the time it's not worth the one or two shots you'll get though and you'd spend too much time relocating to the valley later.

Live Oaks

You CAN stay at the spot marked in pink, but even though the red spot is riskier, I've had better games there.



When the enemies get too close on the beach side, you can get behind the big rock and still shoot. If the beach spot is taken, staying in the bush that is a bit before it is also fine.

Mountain Pass

Don't do what the other arties do. Hill on South spawn sucks.



I'm not super familiar with this new map yet (it has only been recently released) but it seems that you'll have reasonable options for targets both on the lower and the top half of it... but you will have to choose one side and commit to it.

Between the buildings in the middle seems to be tough to hit.

Will probably update this guide once I have played more than 3 battles on the map.


The spots near the beach are the best but can take a long time to get to. When there's lots of fast tanks, just hang out near spawn/cap.


If there's a lull in the battle, you can try to get to the top left corner, because it allows you to hit the A line much better.

Pearl River


Alternatively on the South spawn, you can go next to the mountains on the right. It allows you to hit the skatepark to the right more reliably.


North spawn can also work if you go near the rails, but that's where the enemy arty will look for you first.


When on South spawn, aim at the blindkill spot and wait until you see the enemies running over stuff in the yard. You can often score a blind hit or kill there.

When on North spawn set up as far to the west as possible right away (later you can go more east for better safety from the other ridge). Aim straight down where the road winds up the hill in the South. If your scout does his job, you can easily pick off tanks as they pass their cap and try to drive up your side of the ridge. This isn't possible with many other arties due to their arcs.


North spawn has Bad Angles™. On South spawn, go into the river and sit in the bushes on the right side.


Ignore the numbers, I couldn't find a different up-to-date map.

South spawn allows you to shoot the steps in the middle of the town if you position yourself just right.

Safe Haven

The whole upper part of the map is pretty much useless to you, so try to set up as far south as you dare. If your scouts don't mess up you will have good targets to shoot between the hills. If someone happens to actually appear on top of the bunkers, you will still have a good chance at hitting them.

As the match progresses, try to move north again to shoot the last survivors hiding in the upper corners, or to go bunker diving/capping if necessary.

(Beware of the indestructible wall on the East spawn that looks like it can be run over.)

Serene Coast

Siegfried Line

I don't remember the specific spots on that one, but it doesn't really matter that much on this map.

On South spawn, go to the cap circle and hang out just south of it. On North spawn, go to eastwards and park yourself wherever you think you'll get killed last.

Avoid the open field unless you're sure there's going to be plenty targets that won't get past your scouts there.


Can retreat behind the train tracks on North and move further towards the heavy brawling areas on South if it helps with range or hiding from approaching spotters.

Try to stay away from middle road because scouts will often rush through.

Arrows indicate good directions to move up once the battle progresses.



South spawn SUCKS for defending. You'll get killed almost every time. But if you try to go further east, you will get spotted and die on the way. North spawn is pretty good, but be wary of that one rock on the cap.


When on North spawn, always go up the hill to the little dip beside the road - no matter how long it takes.


If you cannot or don't want to block this one, the survival strategy is to find a spot that will be safe from either spotting or enemy fire or both early in the game, and then look for a location where you can hit the most targets from in the current match. If you can, try to take out the enemy arty asap since they will try to do the same to you.

Winter Maps


Ignore the white boxes.

You can wander along the ridge on North to move up with the battle or on South retreat to the other side of the river if needed.


For South spawn, literally just turn around and drive into the trees.

You'll get great shots on the people duking it out on the bottom right corner if you use the alternative arty view.


Mannerheim Line

When North spawn and the enemies show up from the beach, don't panic. This happens almost everytime. You'll get great shots on them from where you sit, or if you back up a little further northwards.

Desert Maps


El Halluf

This map doesn't really work for me, no matter where I go. Just drive to the nearest bush and you're probably good.

Ghost Town

Hills are also okay if you want to focus on the left side of the map, but they take a long time to get to.

Sand River

West spawn means you probably die, one way or the other. But you can set up near G1 if your scouts have the dunes under control. That way you can support them and also avoid being the first victim to tanks crossing the valley from the north.

East spawn has a special "booth", turn left and just get in there: